18 Chocolate

I'm going to add pics of today's chapter in community. go have a look......

Rishi's POV..........

After the day of our watching movie and she remembering her friend. Aru, completely went in to silent mode, she never talked only when it required. I'm trying very hard to make her talk or smile but nothing is working.

She even didn't eat anything, I forced her to eat only with me she ate something. And for that I came daily for lunch to home, to make sure she ate something.

I have a lot of work and meetings but she is important than anything for me, and her health is most important.

I'm continuously pulling her leg, hoping she react like she always reacts. But it doesn't worked at all, she would sat in a corner of our bedroom silently. I'm hating it, her silence is killing me from inside, I really hope I could do something for her.