23. First Love Birds

I'm adding pics in community, please go have a look at them.

Dhruv's POV..................

Hey guys...........I hope you didn't forget me, while reading my children's story. Finally laxmi decided to write about me and my wife's a chapter, I just hope we will get more chapters like this(laxmi rolled her eyes, listening to Dhruv).

I heard that my son is lacking in romance, what can we expect from him though and you all must be missing romantic stuff, right. So, I'm here to give you that.

I did something special to surprise my wife, Nithya, you remember her, right. I'm waiting for her from last half n hour in our bedroom but my wife is no where.

I already asked her to come to bedroom, but she didn't listen to me. Now a days she doesn't listening to me at all, her complete concentration were on our kids. She is forgetting, that she has a husband too.