48. Marry Me

Rishi's POV..................

If I say I was on cloud nine it's also less what I'm feeling right now. My heart swelled up listening to Aru confession. Those three words are enough for my heart to do a mini dance and it did too.

I even forget about the crowd, I mean my staff. By now they all must be in daze, jealous, and most of the girls must be heart broken. Who must have kept so many hopes on me.

I heard a lot of gasps when I kissed Aru and soon they turned in to murmurs. But I less cared about them, When I was in lift before closing doors, I look at Ram, and that was enough for him to stop rumors on me and my wife.

Soon we ended on our couch in my office making out, again. God I would never get enough of her kisses, it's like always tastes different from last one's. It always like adding more sweetness in her lips  than last time and getting addicted to her lips.