65. She Will Be Death Of Me

Sorry for late update......I didn't get time to publish it till now....but finally got some time....so, enjoy it.......

I'm sharing a picture in community....so go have a look at it......

Jai's POV.....,...........

I don't know how the hell I even thought if proposing kushi. Yeah, I love her, there is no doubt in that. But still I never thought I would propose her on her birthday.

But whatever I said is true, each word came out from my mouth is what I mean.  I can't even imagine my future without her in my life. It's incomplete, she is a diamond in my life, a very rare diamond. And I even know she is crazy, but I like that craziness in her more.

She never failed to bring a smile on my lips, that too a bright smile. When she accepted my proposal, that was more than enough for me, I was on cloud nine.