68. Make Him Pay

Priya's POV......,.......

I was sacred, afraid, worried.... actually I was feeling every kind of feeling in me right now. Dev is ignoring me, how can he? I know I have done stupid thing to talk with other boy. But that was for to make him to talk with me.

Not like this, to make him ignore me completely. Like seriously, he is ignoring me from morning. I so want to go to his house and knock some sense in him.

But at the same time, I'm sacred of his reaction. Trust me I never felt this much sacred in my whole freaking life. And not even talk with Dev, he is not like this before.

I never saw him this much angry ever, like seriously ever. I never thought my Dev, would be like this. It's like I'm seeing a new Dev, which I don't even know he is exit in this life.

I'm really cursing myself for pulling that prank on him, I thought if I talk to other boy. Then he will talk with me, and show his possessive side.