81. Oldie

Before Started reading chapter....I want to make you all remind...that this is a book that's it....so, read it and forget it.....don't take any action on your heart.....take a chill pill guys......

Rishi's POV.....................

Aru cried a lot, I know it's hard for her but still I can't see her crying like that. It takes my every inch to not drag Aru from there. Looking at her, crying her heart out.

She cried continuously for 2 hours or more, if I didn't stopped her. She would have cried still she faint. That was the reason for me to raise my voice on her.

It pained my heart looking at her, crying on her parents grave. But listening to me she stopped not completely but she still tried to stop it.

She is such a naive girl, she cried listening to her relatives death. If only she knows the truth, that they are still alive under me. I'm not going to give them that simple death.