84. Kill You

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Rishi's POV.....................

We are back at mansion, dad went to his room while I did the same. I walked to my room, thinking about Aru. I don't know her temperature has come to normal or not.

I opened our bedroom door, hoping to see Aru lying on bed. But no, she is not there, baby told me, Aru is in room only. I frowned walking inside, where the hell is she then? I heard bangles jingling sound coming from closets.

I walked to closet and there she is arranging already arranged closet. This girl, never want to take rest even when she is sick. I crossed my hands in front of her, ready to knock some sense in her brain. That how important is taking rest when you are sick.

"Aru, what are you doing?" I ask with a bit of seriousness in my voice. She turned to me and her lips spread in to big smile looking at me. That's it, my anger went in to trash can looking at her smile and automatically my lips spread in to board smile.