97. Birthday 2

I'm adding pictures in community... please go and see them...

Aarohi's POV.....................

Today is my birthday, and Rishi wished me first. Then followed by everyone, and the cake was just wow. Amazing which is made up of chocolates, I just loved it.

I woke up with continuous kisses on my face. I smiled brightly opening my eyes to look Rishi smiling towards me.

"Good morning birthday, girl." He said in his morning voice.

"Good morning, hubby." I said as I pecked on his lips.

"Come on get up now, we need to move fast. Today will be long day for you." He said making me sit on bed and I pouted little.

"But I want to cuddle you for more sometime." I said pouting my lips more.

He sighed looking at my pout and fall on bed, making me grin. I too lied beside him hugging him tightly.

"I want to cuddle you like this for a complete day." I said looking at Rishi.

"No, not for complete day. Only for few minutes you can." He said.