122. Studies

Dev's POV.......................

An angel came in to our lives now, finally a baby girl in Raj family after kushi Akka. We ae beyond happy to hear it, I always want vadhina (sil) to give birth to baby girl only. And finally my wish came true.

Even before we can celebrate it, we came to know about baby was kidnapped. It's such a shocking news for all of us, I just stood there looking at the nurse and she telling us all about baby kidnap. For sometime I didn't even blinked my eyes, the baby which we are carving to have came and soon she gone too.

That's bitter truth was very hard for me to digest, but when Anna went to take her back I'm sure he will bring her back at any cost. If I'm like this, just imagine his position, but he didn't showed the single trace of hurry in his moves or words.