125. All The Best For Your Future

Rishi's POV....................

I walked further and sat in front of him, leaning in chair and crossed my legs.

"Why???" I ask him, silently trying very hard to control the urge of killing him right now.

My eyes and blood are burning, I'm just holding back myself. My hand is gripped tightly to the level, my nails are digging inside my flesh.

He looked at me and started laughing out loud, like a maniac. My eyes narrowed to him, and travelled to the guard who stood beside him.

I signalled him to make him stop laughing with my eyes. He nod his head towards me and turned to Vitthal. And in next second He punched on his face very hardly, that Vitthal started spitting blood out.

A smirk appeared on my lips, listening to him groaning with the pain and looking at the blood coming out of his mouth.