139. To Our Long Honeymoon

I'm adding pictures in community go have a look guys....

Kushi's POV......................

We both lied on bed, after consummating our marriage. My head is resting on Jai's chest, while his one hand is around my bare waist and other one is playing with my hairs. And his lips are busy with kissing on my head now and then. A constant smile spread on my lips, thinking and replaying our love making in my head.

Blushing a little a run my fingers on Jai bare chest, it was smooth like cream. But hard like rock. Biting my lower lip, I moved my fingers more on his chest. Soon my smile turned to frown as I feel something different on his left chest. The left side area of his chest has a rough skin and it was about one inch.

I sat up to get a clear view of it, when I saw it. Reality hit me hard, it was the bullet mark. When he saved me from those goons and risked his life. I removed blanket completely, Jai is in only his boxers.