156. Naughty Daughter

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Rishi's POV...................

In Raj mansion...........

In one hour, my Twinkle is going to turn 1 year old. And I'm desperately waiting for that, I can't wait to tell her happy birthday. She is already sleeping beside Aru, they both are in deep slumber. I arranged a small cake cutting ceremony now and they both don't have any idea about it.

Within half an hour kushi, Jai, mom and dad will arrive for the cake cutting. I refused to Kushi, but she being stubborn didn't listened to me at all. After getting pregnant, she has turned more stubborn than before.

She is not at all listening to anyone, and about Jai, I don't know how he is coping up with my sister. He has the great patience levels, I can only say that. I'm already pitying him, if it is like this in her starting stages. Then what she will do when she reach her third trimester. He has to go through a lot in up coming days on his life.