International dance competition

Elizabeth's POV

Next morning he dropped me to university and he headed to his office....

in the lunch break I got a call from..Eve..

" hey darling "

" looks like you had a wild night.." eve teased ..

" nope I am still virgin " I replied.

"so when is he leaving again.." she asked

" Eve ...he just got back ...please don't talk about his departure this soon..."

" ok fine but have you had your is your stomach ache.."

" Eve you are such a darling .....yes I had my medicine.....and no stomach ache yet."

" good ..bye then.."

" Please don't be upset.."..I said.

" I am fed up of this relationship of yours Betty...why don't you end it ."

" Eve come on we love eachother.."

" ohhh please Betty you don't tell me about your love said yes just because he proposed you in front of the whole university. he doesn't know anything about you...not your favorite color, movies , favorite place ..or food..he doesn't even know that you are allergic to spicy food...but you still have it because he prepare it for you..". she said in one breath.

I took a deep breath and said " eve i got to go bye.." saying that I ended the call ..

yes she is right he doesn't know me ....but he is a nice guy ..and he really loves me...

I finished my lunch and went back home and worked on my morning Jake came to pick me up..and he got coffee for me..

" this is quite a surprise " I said taking it from him..

" pumpkin i know I just came but.."

" but?" I asked..

" I have to go to Costa Rica today..."

as he said this I made a sad face .he cupped my face and said ..." I am sorry baby I know I am a very bad boyfriend..but you know its my work and.."

I hold his hands and said." I understand Jake.. its alright.." saying that I hugged him..he kissed me on my forehead and then dropped me to the university..

Eve was really upset so she didn't called me so I thought of surprising her after my lectures got over. on my way to the company I picked some cupcakes..

when I entered her office she was busy sketching I kept those cupcakes in front of her and said

" I will count till five if you won't eat it I will take it away..." saying that I started counting..1....2....3....and i was about to say four thats when she hurriedly opened the box and took one cupcake ..

she looked at me and said " I still hate you."..

I smiled and we both started eating cupcake..

I was quite for sometime so she asked..

" don't tell me he left again.."..

I faked my smile..she shook her head and said.." you will get a much more better person than him."

" let's not talk about it please .."

" ok " she said and hugged me

after some time I headed back home...

days are passing by ...its almost two weeks he is gone.. and we didn't even talked.....truly speaking I don't have this habit of calling him frequently..he is the one who calls me but this time I guess he might be in some place where there is a network issue.

I was heading back home from university and thats when I got a call from Abigail.

" hey Abby whats up.."

" kiddio come home for dinner tonight we got something to discuss.. ".. she said

" wait a minute why are you sounding low are you alright what happened.. Abby say something "

" don't panic everything is alright just come home..we are waiting for you."

saying that she ended the call...

wait she said "we " it means a family discussion...God i just hope everything is fine....I rushed back home..and as I entered everyone was present...I mean mom dad , theo and Emily ( theo's wife) , Abby and Mark ( abby's husband ) . I took a deep breath and greeted them..

I looked at abby and asked " so what's up? whats with the family meeting.."

before she could reply dad said.." oh Betty it must me a hectic day for you let have dinner first."

saying that he took me to the dinning room and everyone started serving me..and I was surprised that the menu is my favorite...damn something is really cooking in these peoples mind and I want to know it...

I started gulping down the food...

" eat slowly no one is in hurry." mom said in stern voice.

I rolled my eyes and continued eating...finally after dinner we all gathered in the living room. and I was waiting for them to start talking...but every one was just looking at eachother and its killing I stood up and said

" ok guys if you don't have anything to talk to me then I am leaving ...I have to work on my portfolio so bye.."

saying that I started walking towards the door..

thats when I heard mom clearing her throat and she said " you are dancing in the upcoming international competition."

I stopped in my tracks..and turned i looked at Abby and laughed ...and said." this is the worst prank ever.."

" do you think this is a joke.." mom asked me angrily.

I looked at mom and then at Abby.

Abby stood up and started walking towards me.." look Betty actually....."

" actually- hic- what- hic-Abby?"...

" listen don't panic kiddo please. "

" I am- hic- not- hic- panicked. "

ok when I panick i get continuous hiccups and this news is something that is not easy for me to digest

as I said this mom shouted at maid and said.." get water for her.."

maid came with glass of water and gave it to me..Abby made me sit and I had water and looked at Abby

abby said " ok now breath with me.."

I started breathing with her..she got me back to the normal..

" look kiddio mom is not joking actually the problem is..we already enrolled ' IDA ' in upcoming international competition and you know how prestigious it is..we were all set with the team ....but the lead female dancer.. got pregnant.."

" lead dancer? you are talking about Amy..but she is just 22 how ..I mean..she is not even married.." I said..

" we are not here to discuss her personal life, get straight to the point Abigail." mom said..

Abby nodded and said.." see Betty level one elimination round is in few weeks..and we don't have any who can replace her..."

" so where do I fit in" I asked..

" we want you to take the lead dancer place.."

" what are you out of your mind.." saying that I got up from the couch.

" Betty please just listen to us.."

I started panicking again.." you know- hic- I can't dance -hic- I have not - hic-danced for last fucking 17- hic- years . what makes - hic- you think I can do it..- hic-."

thats when theo came and started rubbing my back and said." just relax Betty relax..breath ok breath."

I nodded and looked at dad ..tears started rolling down..

"I am sorry but I can't do it.." saying that I walked towards the door..

thats when mom said.." haven't I told you Abigail she won't do it she don't care for this family..she is your worst choice."

as I heard this i lost my temper.." oh yes Mrs Clark i am her worst choice..yes I am because I have gave up dancing 17 years ago just because my teacher, my mother thought I am shame to her..because she told me to quit dancing..ok so I am just following what my teacher asked for.."

saying that I ran out of the house..I got in the cab and went to my I reached I saw Eve waiting for me with her open arms I rushed towards her and hugged her and cried my heart out..she took me to my apartment and made me stop....of course Abby might have called her and asked her to visit me.

" how could she do that?" I asked..

" sshh its ok stop crying now.."..

" eve you know how difficult it is for me to dance again...since that day whenever I tried to take a spin her words echoes in my mind.."

" its ok babes its ok just breath ...and tell me everything what they said.."

I told her everything...she hold my hand and asked. " what do you think .."

" of course no Eve I will disgrace my grandmas name..'IDA is Isabella Dance Academy ' its under her name...and you know I am the worst dancer.."

" come on Betty you also know its not true.."

" I have not danced for ages and more over i have my portfolio to complete....I can't do this I can't.."

" do you trust me Betty " Eve asked..

I looked at her and said " you know I trust you more than myself."

" then will you do as I say.."

" I will do anything but no dancing." saying that I walked towards my bedroom..

" Betty you gave up dancing for Abigail and now she needs you..and more over don't you remember what grandma use to say.." as eve said this I looked at her

and we said I unison " don't dance for other dance for yourself.."

tear rolled down..and I said " I remember Eve but."

" no can do this give yourself a chance you stopped dancing so that Abigail can shine ..but now think as if grandma is asking you to help her....won't you help grandma."

" eve I hate you for bringing grandma .."

" can't help she is my wild card entry " saying that eve winked and I chuckled .

." ok now go to sleep and tomorrow morning attained your boring lectures and in evening go and meet Abby and tell her you are in"

I nodded and eve left..

I don't know how I am gonna do it damn it i hate everyone.


hey guys please do means a lot to me.