Spying on me

Samuel's POV

She was stunt to see me performing. and I was really enjoying myself. Next evening as decided she came to academy and that day I got to know something painful about her past..I don't know I feel connected to her but I can't think about anything as I want to concentrate on my business so i bought my rude behavior back and because of that she even called me vampire...well thats not new for me as everyone in the office call me devil and monster and what not so I really don't give a damn about it..

she is good at dancing but she is not strong so I have to work on her stamina also and thats why i decided to train her...well we ran in the park for sometime and then I took her to the gym..I have personally asked my trainer to train her...when I took her to the private hall she was shocked.

" you gotta be kidding me" she said.

" no I am not, you gonna do crossfit workout and he is gonna train you..so let me introduce you to Max. Max this is Betty..Betty this is Max. " I turned towards her and said " so from tomorrow morning come here directly ..and in evening you know what to do". saying that I left.

I went to my penthouse...swimed for some time and then got ready for work....yes yes I leave in a penthouse which have a swimming pool...how is that possible...come on we are developers have you forgot.. so this building is constructed by Thompson's and Co itself...well why i am staying alone and not with my family? because I want my space..I like it this way..

Today I have a very important meeting to attend. I just hope everything goes well and we will get the deal...I was in my office when my brother came in..

" you are not yet ready for the meeting?"

" Damn Matt please knock the door before you come in.." ..I really hate him for that..

" don't forget you are talking to CEO of Thompson's and Co..Mr Samuel Thompson. "

" I know but this is my office and I am the president of Thompson's and Co. and I have some rules.."

" ohh little brother you are more dramatic than my wife.. "

I got up from my chair and said " I don't know how Sara tolerate you "

he smirked and said " I am the best husband and a father."

" I just hope Logan won't grow up like you."

" and talking of Logan i must remind you about your promise."

ohh I almost forgot..

" yes I remember I will be there on Saturday."

saying that I walked out of my office and we headed towards the conference room i opened the door for Matthew and let him enter first as he is the CEO.

after three hours the meeting got over and I was happy that we cracked the deal..well this deal is about the biggest business park in the city..and its kind of important to me..in the evening I went to the Academy I already did my routine and now was waiting for my student..and here she is..looking grumpy..as she saw me she walked straight to me, pointed a finger at me and said ..

" you know what? you ..you are such a Vampire..I have given a perfect name for you...who train a girl like this ..I am entering a dance competition not a body building competition ..I think you have totally lost your mind.." ..saying that she walked away. but again turned and said.

" and diet which Max gave me is shit..I am not gonna follow that."

saying that she again started walking out of the hall..

" looks like you don't want to be the winner.. " I said sarcastically.

Elizabeth's POV

I was totally exhausted after the heavy workout and I literally wanted to die when that Max gave me the diet...when I went home I lied on my bed and thought of dozing off...but when I woke up it was 3.00 am.

" fuck I missed my lectures " I said to myself , my whole body was aching. I was cursing Sam thats when my stomach made a sound . aahhh I am starving...i got up made an omlet and ate it...after that I started working on my portfolio..soon its time for my practice but I don't know how I am gonna make it today..I reached the Academy and as soon as I saw Sam my blood started boiling and I burst on him..I was walking out of the hall thats when he said..

" looks like you don't want to be the winner."

I stopped in my tracks, took a deep breath and took my position..we practice for two hours.

Next day when I got up I read the excellent news to Thompson's and Co getting this new deal...I thought for some time and then started working on the same project so that I can present it to them at the time of my campus interview..A week passed by....Sam is a wonderful mentor but he got some problems he don't talk much he is always grumpy...well till date I have not performed with my group so today I am performing in front of Abby with them. after the performance Abby got tears and said

" you are wonderful. I am sorry for my mistake Betty I am so sorry.."

I hugged her and said " come on Abby please forget the past and enjoy the beautiful present and future." I said it like a philosopher.

Abby started checking my temperature and said " kiddo are you reading any literature books instead of architecture. "

I giggled and said " no but someone said it to me.."

" someone ? and who that be?" she asked.

" just some random guy.."..saying that I walked towards my bag..

" Betty who is the guy you are dancing with every evening. "

as she said that I stopped in my tracks...what the fuck how she got to know. ..ok relax Betty don't panic..I took a deep breath and turned and smile..

" me ?...why would I dance with any guy.."

" don't lie Betty i saw the CCTV footage."

my eyes got wider " how could you do that ...are you spying on me?"

" no I am not spying on you I was just going through it, I do it sometimes..thats how I found it. . so now tell me who is he."

" ok fine but promise me you won't tell it to anyone. "

Abby nodded.. and I continued " he is sam he is helping me with my routine..he is an amazing dancer.. "

" he is sam? sam who ?"

" I don't know his last name but he is the one who practice in the last hall..."

" oh ..so he is that Sam. the mysterious person.." she replied..

" what you mean.." I asked.

" i mean he is quiet strange..he always contact through his PA and like to be alone..he hates disturbance."

" ya he is weird...but I just care about dance..thats it. "

" ok but be careful around him"..

I nodded. we were talking about the performance and thats when abby's assistant came in..

" ma'am dates are out for elimination round.." rose said

" thats great so when is it." Abby asked.

" its on next Friday.." Rose replied..
