Spell bounded.

Evelyn's POV

I am extremely happy today as its Betty's birthday and also she got featured on the cover page of Vouge....And of course that was not her birthday gift..I was just irritating her...I left from her place and went to the mall...I got in this very well known jewelery store...I was going through the display pieces and one particular pendant caught my attention..

" can I have that one.." I said..and someone else also said the same thing

I looked at the person and was spell bound...he was the most handsome person I have came across..

" you can have that I will find something else." he said..

" no its fine I will look for something else.."

both of us were ready to give up..thats when the store manager came and said.

" don't worry mam, sir...we have one extra piece of the same design..just give me two minutes i will get it gift wrapped.."

I smile widely and said.." wow problem solved.."

" yup " thats all he said ...I wanted to talk to him more so I said