
Samuel's POV

that night I really thought about Evelyn....I mean she is nice we have a quite good understanding in between us...and she is a safe choice...I know my mom will surely take out topic of our marriage..and I guess I should give it a thought...well days are passing by ..and thankfully mom and even grandma didn't asked me about my marriage...one afternoon I was working in my office thats when I got a call from mom..

" whats up mom?"

" I want you to go to C&W fashion..and get my dress from Evelyn.."

" what why me..I have lot of work"..

" just do as I say Sam.. go right now ." mom ordered me so ofcourse I can't deny now.

" ok fine " saying that I ended the call...I know she must have planned something..

I took my suit and went to C&W fashion...I enquired about her office and went directly to her floor ..I knocked on her door....and got in...she was doing something on the mannequin...she took me as her PA ..so she said. " please pass me those pins Meg.."