Broken heart

Evelyn's POV...

In the evening...I got ready...and went to Betty's apartment as my spinster party is at her place...when I reachd...I was so happy that Betty actually doing every possible thing to make me happy.....

" finally you are here.....welcome bride to be. "

Betty said pulling me in to a hug..

" thank you babes for all this.."

she rolled her eyes...and we started the party..all of us was having fun.. we were dancing, drinking..laughing like a crazy...after few hours Abby, Emily and Sara left....only Me ,Maria and Betty was still enjoying our drinks..I was not drinking much because its my big day tomorrow and I can't prefer having a headache...maria was still ok...but Betty...she was drinking as if she has decided to get drunk today. ...they were asking me some stupid questions and I was answering them all..

" so eve tell me one of the best day of your life.." Maria asked..

" ok I guess no one knows this but best day of my life was my prom..."