
⚠️Mature content in the following chapter...read it at your own risk ⚠️

Evelyn's POV

Betty has got a perfect person in her life the one who will make sure she is taking care of herself, the one who knows her very well...yeah I mean he is a bit annoying but at least he loves her and thats all I want....

finally its my wedding day...actually I woke up late because the whole night I was talking to Oscar...marring him is like a dream come true...and when in the morning Betty was waking me up I was dreaming about my man...I got irritated but then she mentioned him and I blushed....later I got ready and we went to the venue..and Betty was missing for whole 20 minutes...and when she came she was glowing...thats when I got to know what exactly she was doing..Maria was blushing hard listening to us so we started teasing her...after some time my dad came..and asked

" you ready princess..."..

I nodded and said " yes"