
Elizabeth's POV

we stayed there of one more day and yes we made sure that I make it memorable one....we flew back to New York and we decide to directly go to Thompson's mansion....when we went there...there were many relatives entering the house wearing black clothes...my heart beat started raising...I looked at sam...even he was clueless. we hurriedly got down and rushed inside...as we went in I saw mom Sophia and Sara crying where as dad and Matt were sobbing lightly...and there was a coffin kept in middle of the room....when we saw the person inside it I collapsed and started crying.....it was grandma Matilda...Sam was lost...he tried to wake her up...Matt stopped him and said..

" she is no more sam...no more..".

" you are joking this is a joke..." he shouted and went to his room...

eve comforted me....later mom asked me to call sam..so I went to his room..knocked and got inside. he was sitting on the bed looking at grandma's photo.. I went and sat beside him and said...