Husband and Wife

Melissa got ready with the minimal makeup and walked out of her room.

" Kitty you look gorgeous." Alex said.

melissa walked towards him and hugged him tightly and then asked

" Brother where were you. I heard you came early morning ."

" yes I did, and as soon as I landed I went to punch that bastard Arthur, who is forcefully making my sister marry him."

" You only punched him once brother? you should have at leats broke his arm or leg or at least left him with many bruises."

listening to this Alex started laughing

" ohh God kitty you hate him so much."

" no this brat actually love him but right now she is on her revenge mode." Betty said from behind.

Melissa turned to look at her and as soon as Betty saw her she was stunned.

" Kitty how grown up you are. I am sure Sam will regret accepting Arthur's proposal." Betty said caressing her cheeks.

" and in somedays Arthur will regret asking for it." Melissa said with a smirk.