Perfect man

Grace went back to kitchen and started clearing dishes. Mr Strange got ready and walked in the living room and his date was clinging him. Thats when he got a call from his mom.

he removed his dates hand from his waist and walked away to answer it .

" Hey mom good morning."

" indeed its a very good morning because you answered my call." Maria replied

" come on don't taunt me."

His date was playing with his hair and he was getting irritated. " mom hold on for a second ." he said and looked at his date and said " get out of this house. I paid you only for a night."

The girl shot a death glare and left.

" yes mom you were saying?"

" I was saying that you are getting married on Sunday."

Carter started laughing loudly and said " good joke mom."

" its not a joke Carter, you are getting married to Grace and thats final."

" who the hell is she?" Carter asked in anger.