I love you

Carter punched that man and said

" dont you dare touch her."

" How dare you Carter ?" Grace shouted.

Carter looked at her angrily and grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the club.

She was trying to free herself but his grip was too tight. the took her to his car. Mike saw them and walked towards them.

" Carter whats going on?" Mike asked.

" give me the car key Mike." Carter said

" Mike please help me he has lost his mind." Grace pleaded.

" Give me the fucking key Mike." Carter shouted.

Mike gave him the key. Carter pushed Grace on the passenger seat and he took the driver seat and started driving.

" look stop the car right now or else I will jump out of the running car." grace threatened him.

" go ahead if you can open the child lock."

Carter replied and continued driving.

" Fuck you Carter. you have no right on me."

Carter lost his temper and increased the car speed.

" are you trying to kill me with that speed."