
Grace came back and engrossed herself in work. Week passed by and it was Alex and Eleanor's wedding day. Eleanor was waiting in the bridal room with Melissa .

" I am hell nervous mel." she said

" to getting married to my brother?" Melissa asked with a chuckle.

" no not for that." Eleanor said walking back and forth.

" Then what?"

" for our wedding night." she said taking a deep breath.

Melissa started laughing and said " ohh I thought you guys already did that."

Eleanor shot her a death glare and said " mel you are not helping here."

" ok ok but why are you scared in mean of what?" Melissa asked with a smile.

" about the THING."

" you mean to say Intercourse ?"

" damn you mel how could you say that this easily."

" I am gonna be a mother now. its common for me."

" fine. yes I am scared about it."