
Grace was very happy that her granny gave her permission to go after her love. She came to her office and took out her phone. she wrote a text.

" Saturday dinner at my apartment by 7.00...

I hope to see you.


and she sent it.

Carter was in his office when he got the text. he smiled widely and said " Thank goodness."

" what happened?" Mike asked

" Grace invited me for dinner." he said with a smile

" to Maxwell Mansion?"

" no, her apartment." he replied.

" Thats great congratulations."

" Thanks man. I am so happy she is giving me a chance."

" so what's the plan." Mike asked.

" to start over new. This time there won't be any misunderstanding i swear."

" i am happy for you." Mike said

and thats when Carter got a call and he frowned looking at the caller ID.

" yes." he said

" i am sure, you might have got a date for Saturday evening." Isla asked.

" did you asked her to do that." Carter asked.

" no she just seems to be interested in you."