king Ruston and Shayna ..
Shayna came back from her thoughts ..
and without noticing king Ruston he is seeing her ..she start seeing starts again ....
Shayna thinks " Why my life can't be shine like these stars ...when I was a child my mother always told me my name means shine ...but my life is dull ..
yeah I knew I told this king that I knew how to make my own way and how to shine matter how much darkness ...
but what if my life is already darker and nothing can make it shine ..........
My dad ways says life give only one chance to prove ourselves but I don't knew how much I have to prove that I m worthy to live in this world ......
king Ruston then suddenly asked Shayna " Baby queen so can you tell me about your world ...
shyana Replied " why now you want to know you don't believes before I m from another world and then you brutally tortures me now what asking when you already spoiled my life .......more then it can be ....