
“no madam, you are Master’s wife and I can’t call you with your name, I can only call you Madam” said the Ellie while slightly shaking her head.

“I can talk with Jacob, you will not care about this, I don’t want you to call me Madam, I really don’t like that” said Emma, she was really worried about this because he feel like Ellie is someone that she need to respect.

“yes, Madam” said Ellie with a smile, she was so nice, as Emma was so happy that she got a person like her, as she can see that her smile can make others pain go away,

As Emma got up from her bed and asked Ellie “where you Jacob, I want to meet him”.

As Ellie told with the respect in her voice “young master is in his office, he told that you can have something to eat and he will join you madam”.

As Emma nodded her head and she want to talk more things with Jacob, as she went out, she saw a big house and she know that she will be getting lost if she didn’t know this please properly.