Allen smiled and went to them, he sat down, while William looked at Allen and asked "how are you brother?".
"not that good, I felt ok because I was with my baby doll" said Allen with a sad smile, William also understand Allen, as he sat down next to Allen and told "then what about this? you can go out Anna right, then you will feel better".
while Isabella also came near them and told "yes, brother Allen, you will not only feel better but also, sister - in - law will fall in love with you more and deeper, when she know more about you, I can never get a reason for rejecting a handsome and giid hearted person like you so all the best".
where William don't understand anything, he thought that Anna and Allen are in love with each other but now he was really confused, but he don't want to ask anything seein g his brother, who was hurt, even he was hurt but he don't want to show that out,