Wound ....

A girl wakes up because of alarm ....and and thinks while sitting in her bed " I m very happy today is the first day of my dream college ...

" Melody if your dreams are completed so come fast today is your first day of college and if you are going to dream like this so I think you are gonna be late for college ..." someone shouted "....

Melody replied " okay mom I m coming ...

After doing morning routine ...she wore blue skirt and white top with white shoes ...

she went at the table ..for breakfast .and kiss on her mom and dad cheeks

Melody dad also kissed her on her cheek and said to her " Sorry Melody for not being able to give you better life ....

Melody smiles and Replied " Dad if better life means giving money to me and making me brat ...so I don't want this type of better life ...

I knew how much hard works you do for us ..and I don't want ...anything other then ..

Melody dad Replied " But Melody .. because of me you have to do this much of hard work ..if I have the money so you don't have to do this much hardwork for gaining the scholarship...

Melody Replied " dad I m not afraid from doing hard work ..by seeing you I gain a lesson in my life " hardwork is the key of success .. and I m going to pursue my dream ....I want to be a doctor and I m Going to fulfill it ..no matter how much hardwork I have to do ...I m going to do that ...

Melody mother Interrupts and said " okay okay now eat you are getting late .. ..

Melody sits on the table and start eating ...after finishing she..leaves for her college ..

At other side ...

A boy is breaking all things and shattering everything in his room in the . morning ....

Two people's are knocking on his door " Vince plz open this door dammit....

Vince didn't replied anything " and just continued breaking the things ..

and then someone breaks the door and Vince saw them with his blood shots eyes ..

Vince shouts and said " how dare you both enter inside my room.." Blake and Tae get out from here now ...

Blake Replied ' just stop this Vince your hand is already bleeding..

Tae replied " I m begging to you Vince just stop this now ..

Vince shouts and said " how dare ..how dare of them to call me ..

" how dare they try to talk to me ...

then he fall on the floor and start crying with his bleeding hand ..

" how dare they ...how dare they ."..he kept repeating ..these words ..

Tae and Blake reach toward him and hugged him tightly..

Vince start shaking and in shaky voice he said " why ..why they have to break me more then I m already. ..why they have to show concern now when they didn't have that at all ..

I hate them ..I hate them ...

Blake Replied " plz calm down Vince . it's harmful for your health ...today did you take your medicines...

Vince Replied " No ..why I m not going to take any medicines ..why taking medicines when they have no effect on me . they can't cure me .. they are just useless for me ...

Tae Replied " plz took your medicines Vince .. it's necessary.

and then he stands up and give Vince his medicines and asked to him .." Did you want to go college..

Vince Replied " yeah .

Tae and Blake sigh and said to him " okay first let us dress your wound then we are going for college..

and then they did Vince wounded hand .. dressing.

and left for college ....