Heart .. beat ..

Rose and Tae ....

Rose was standing close toward window ....

but then she thinks " No no how can I die ...how can I commit suicide Because of some Bastard ...

why I was only thinking about darkness what about the light which I have in my life ...

what about my family and friends .....

Tears was flowing from her eyes ....

she thinks " Is I m the future doctor who can't fight for herself ..who can't fight for her life ..so how I m going to fight for my patients life ..

what about the other people's who fight for themselves even if they got hurt they got physically abuse ..

and who didn't fight they are not alive ....

Is I m this weak ........weakness is something when you let people do any thing they want to do. ....

Rose think " I m bio student and this is this nature rule " survival of fittest......

who can't fight . that person can't live in this world ...