Impulsive kiss...

In morning..

In hospital....

Melody and Lisa wakes up and saw Rose who start opening her eyes....and saw melody and Lisa who are seeing her with concerned eyes and..

Rose in low voice said " sorry..because of me you got into struggle..

Lisa and Melody hugged her and said " No need Rose we are happy are fine...and this is most important thing....

Rose eyes became teary and while in crying voice she said " I m really lucky I have friends like you both don't knew how much it matters for me...

you both are mine strength.I don't knew how I m gonna live without you both..

Lisa replied " By your heart you are gonna love your are gonna be doctor and you don't knew about this thing huh...

Rose start laughing..her smile is weak but it is way worthy...for melody and Lisa..

Rose replied " Oh ms doctor please teach me...

I don't knew many things.


Melody replied " Thats why I always told you study with focus.