Unknown person ...

On Boys..side ...

Blake asked to Vince and said " Are you sure . You are going to do this with Melody ..Vince this is going to put you danger and it's going to be way very dangerous..

Vince replied " Oh don't worry about me ...I don't care about being in any dangerous situation...This life of mine have nothing to live for .....so why I have to fear from being in any dangerous situation...

And I want Melody ...to sense from what I m going through ..she is fucking reason of my old memories came back ..she is someone who dare to slapped ...and that slap I m going make her go through from things each day for that slap ...

And then Tae speaks and said " Okay do what you wanna do ..but keep one thing in your mind .we are with you no matter how much this world want you to lose ..but we are here to always support you ..

And then they all went for taking there class ....

In there class they went late ..

And when they entered. ..

There teacher asked " you all are late ..