
In company....

Manager came after 30 minutes..he knocks on the door ....

Then Tae replied " Come in ...

Then manger came inside there office ...and in a polite tone, he conveys his words " Young master. That Man is ready for a meeting...


Tae asks him " so where he want to have the meeting ...

Mangar replies " Young master he wants it in a "Rosberry cafe ".

Vince asks him " Which cafe is this.

Mangar replies " young master this is a small cafe ....and that Mafia only want to meet you all there.

Blake replied " Okay sent us the location we are heading out for the meeting.

And then they left in there car from there for there meeting


In car.

Blake was driving the car..they all never take a driver with them because they prefer to drive by there own...

Vince said " That mother fucker is annoying. He wants to do the meeting in that worthless cafe...this is way more idiotic thing he is doing..