Fall into the pool ..

In class ...

Lisa Rose and Melody were studying ..lecture is going on in class ..

Tae entered in the class with his full glory and saw Rose who was hell concentrated on her studies ..

Teacher start shivering by seeing Tae there ..because he knew something gonna happen which he can't stop ..he can't stop Tae from doing anything ..Because Tae is Borned devil and he don't give. dam about anyone if anybody gonna came in between so they gonna see worst of him..

Tae said " Little Rose I m here . and you still focused in studies ...not good at all ..

Rose lift her face and her breath struck by seeing him ..and his face is showing he is something up to ..

Rose think " What he is going here . Is outside the class is not enough to bully ..Now he came in class also ...and teacher is not doing something just seeing like it's somekind of show ....

Tae saw how Rose was immersed in her thoughts ....