Lose clothes ...

In college ..

Tae and Rose...

Rose was heavily breathing because of kiss ..she is knew she kissed him for protecting herself only ..but what if it make it worse ....

Tae smile and said " Nice move little one . you knew how to divert your punishment .like you did that day by flirting with that boy to save yourself from punishment ..

He grabbed her hair and then he in every serious tone said" Telling you little one you can seduce me ..you can flirt with me ..you can do anything to me ..you can hate me . you can love me.

But other then me you can't do these things to someone else ..

I m leaving you now little one I think your little bum is already very hurt so now I don't you want me to continue ..did you want huh ????...

Rose while silently crying nods her head in " No " ..