Game start ....

In college ..

In infirmatory ...

Doctor saw Lisa and asked to the someone who took her here " What happen to her again ....who hurted her now ..

That someone replied " This time I m not involved into this and I don't knew what happen to her ...

Doctor replied " So why you took her here .

That someone replied " Because Eva always repay people's goodness and this girl friends saved us that day . so I replayed her today by taking her ..

Doctor start testing Lisa head injury and after band aiding ...

Doctor ask to Eva " You have good in you but why always show bad to people's ..

Eva smile and replied " Because people's ruins good people's like somekind of insects it's good to have bad in you so before anybody is going to crush you so you can crush them ...

Doctor smile and replied " But you knew what is worthy ..if you are good and got crushed by people's but you still have ability to fight and make things right ..