You both are same ....

Happy reading all ..

At college ...

Rose was walking while heaving heavy tear eyes ..she is in so much pain because if what happen today and she don't knew why it's happening in her life but she hating it so much .

Tae who was following her grabbed her by her hand and he make her face him and he shout "What the hell huh..How dare you forgive him .How dare you go against my order ..

you think I m not gonna do anything if you gonna say to not do but let me tell you "For sure I m gonna kill him ..How dare he try force you ...or you are having fun when he was doing that because how can you give him this ..

Tears start flowing from Rose eyes and she start laughing but this laughter is a laughter of pain . This laughter is something which showing how much she is broke and then she said " Oh ...oh you think it's wrong to force anyone .Today you think it's wrong to not do anything with this kind of person .

Today you want to give him punishment .