Squeezing ...

Happy reading all ...and who didn't what happen after singing so it's the teaser for upcoming story you can see " treasure mentioned there ......

Vince and Melody ...

Vince was seeing Melody and then said " Mel now it's night lets go we don't have car also I have to sent you home also ...

Melody then came back from her thoughts she is so much immersed in peaceful environment she even forgot about being alone with a shirtless man who is no good then bad people's. .

Melody stand up from there and by seeing it Vince also stand up ..

Melody said " Now see my promise is done already done and it's night already so let's part our ways .. ..

Vince feel hurt by listening about " Let's part our ways it's like she is telling let's part his life from him ..he was feeling she is leaving him and his life is also leaving him ...