Your eyes tells Everything ...

Happy reading all ..This chapter contain some very different kind of stuffs ..So read it on your risk ....

With girls ..

Lisa And Melody were laughing there ass out and they don't knew what to do and how react because now they all have to leave for Rose mother cafe and It's like they are claiming there death by going in the den of lion ..

Rose who was giving death glare to both of them ..She said " You both have so much guts to laugh on me huh ..

Lisa Replied " No No my lord we don't guts .we have power to laugh on our friend..

Rose replied " Now lets go at cafe . Don't knew what mom gonna do with us ...and specially with me how can I forgot about her ..How can I be this much careless's going to be my death anniversary today .She is gonna kill me ..

Melody while laughing replied " How can it be your death anniversary when you are going to die today ..Plz elaborate ...Death anniversary is gonna take place after a year..