Guilty life ..

Happy reading all ...

Thanks for all lovely comments ..It's always motivate me to write ...

With Vince and Melody ...

Vince went away from there and he came with something while dragging it ...

He then make Melody lay on it and he tied her legs and hands by chain ..

He thought " This going to stop your bleeding but not in calm and good manner it's going to stop it more painful manner ...

Melody who was laying unconscious and she open her beacuse she felt like something cold under her and then she saw she is laying on the big ice log which now stained with her blood ...on ice ...

She whispered atlast " Please ...She knew how much pathetic she is now Infront of Vince. .but she can't bear more ...The coldness of ice is making her body blood cold also .Her whole body is vigorously shaking ..She don't knew but she now have no energy to fight any more ..

She again said " Plz kill me ...!!!.I want to die ..