Totally .Alone ..

Happy reading all ...

Everyone react at the place where they think Vince took Melody with him ..

They enter inside the house and the first thing they saw blood everywhere ..And melody clothes are on floor also ..

There was blood because of what Vince did with her .he beats her even he use knife on her ..After that he even tattooed his name on her ...

Lisa shout and said " Melody !!!where are you plz . Melody ...

Rose saw the dress and said " It's Melody dress..what the hell Vince did with her ..

Tae and Blake saw eachother and they knew something is not right here .. They knew something worst already happened before they reached here...

Eva then said " Here he is coming with Melody ..

And everyone life there faces and saw Vince who was coming down from stairs with Melody in his arms and there clothes have blood on it's like they going back from wining the big fight ...but no one knew what they win today is more dangerous then any big fight ...