Help me ..Please ..

Happy reading all ..

Yes today is the day I updated my most awaited book " Obsession Of Immortal" ..It's now updated ..Go and see whoever want it..I updated it ..Now go and read it ...New chapter " Special woman " UPDATED ....Go and read it ...

In Hospital....

Vince who came out from ICU...He is walking with support of wall ...When a nurse saw him ..She got shocked by seeing his blood dripping condition ....His hand is bleeding ..How his leg is injured how red his eyes are ..He is not looking human at all ..All clothes in blood with bloody red eyes ..With his shaky legs and heavy breath ..It's all making him look like he is somekind of monster living ..Alive on this planet...

Nurse immediately get close to him and said " Sir what you are doing are hurting yourself ... please sir it's dangerous for you .. Sir ..your health is not good to roam like this ..You can't roam like this Sir ..