Too Small

Happy reading all ...

In hospital ...

Lisa wake up and then she shout " You are here " ..

Melody Vince who is awake and in there ..Own thoughts about eachother .Blake fall on bed from floor because of Lisa shouting..he thought she is in pain but when he saw someone was standing and he thought it's doctor by the clothes but then why Lisa is shouting like this's not the reason for which she can shout like this ..

Rose wake up and said "What happen ..Who came here ....why you are shocked .. Why you are shouting Lisa ..She then saw doctor is standing there ...

That someone said " Pretty lady again here ..What happen you think time ..You just again here within two day you again came ..I think you liking me too much that's why you came here .. But you even did call me huh ...

Lisa smile by seeing that person and said " Doctors Ash I really do missing you " ..