He is Gay ..

Happy reading all ...

In room ...

After listening Blake words Lisa mother said " Oh So this Lisa is flirting with Ash ..God why she had to flirt with him when he is totally not the person what other think him as ..

Blake don't know why Lisa mom is saying this and why she is talking like this and this is totally which he can't understand but Atlast he is liking it because her mom don't want to accept that do called doctor and he is unacceptable and that too it's totally very good and then like a innocent boy he asked "What happen Aunty why she can't be with him when she is totally flirting with him "..

Lisa mom replied " Because Ash is a gay " and this girl and him always talk like this and it's seems like they are In love when he totally don't even like women's he like boys and that too he have boyfriend too ...

Blake Got Shocked by listening about the person who he think Lisa is interested he is gay and he have lover and boyfriend too ..