Princess of hell ...

Happy Reading all ..

In Cabin ...

Tae tightly hold her and said " Are you lying to me baby girl I don't think I ever give you right to lie to me neither I ever told you I m buying your lies and still you think you can tell it to me when you know hate it and you think I don't know anything " Fucking taking Medicine's which only a mental patient in hospital can take huh " How the fuck you can lie to me and what you think me as I m not dumb ..Listen carefully you never had Anxiety attacks before like you are saying so then why doctor said you are at very critical stage ..and how the fuck you got these pills when they are not available for normal people's like you "..

Rose think " How easily he is saying about its not for the People's like me who is " So called normal " The things which looks normal in most of the cases they are just the worst one and still we called as " Normal people's"..