Words Princess ..

Happy Reading all ..

Melody said, " I need to know about things in depth .I want you to tell Grandpa how his past started and how everything started and how and why you need to send him into Mental Asylum.

Vince then said " Please Mel I can't bear those things again "..

Melody replied " I need to know Vince whole life you are running from your last but you can't run like this you whole life you can't be like this you need to understand it's your life and you can't live it in your past and you know you can't run like this fòrever .How about you start living the life you have and I need to know things and now please let me know "..

BALKE is silent because he knows Melody has the right to know about things he can't say anything Because it needs to happen and this is something he can't come in between ..