Princess Gabriela

Gabriella dressed in a human skin mask, sneaked out of the house from the back door, her own guards didn't know when she left.

She already prepared her horse outside, on getting out she rode to the river bank, and know one recognized her as the great warrior princess.

Jordan was there already, and when she got there he took her along, to his house.

"I have missed you darling",

"I have missed you too my princess",

They cuddled, Marshal was sitting outside, after watering the flowers, he saw Jordan with a woman that exhibited an aura he can't talk about, despite the rags she wore, he knew she wasn't an ordinary person.

She got down and walked briskly into his room and Marshal only smiled today he wasn't going to interfere, he will calm down and ask him what his problem was.

"Jordan, my brother have insisted I get married to prince Lucian together with my sister, I don't know what to do, I don't want to loose you",

"The only prince of Judah?'


"Hmm, don't worry my princess, we will see how it goes, don't let it bother you".

She brought out a bundle of money from her hand made bag and gave to him. "Sorry I kept you out of cash for a while, it was really difficult for me to sneak out",

"It's alright",

Yeah she didn't really look at him well, but when she arrived her gaze faintly fell on a beautiful faced young man, "who is that man outside?"

"Oh, a new Friend, he will be staying with me for a while, I will introduce him to you when next you visit, because he is actually busy right now".

"He appeared ordinary, but he have this feeling of a prince, are you sure he is not one?"

"No my princess, I thought so too, but he is not, he left his home because of his step mom's trouble and he wants to start a new life her. I like him already he is Very hard working, but he rarely speak except you bring up a topic he will be as calm as ever".


He kissed her, he kissed her intimately, she stroke his hair and he pulled off her mask to view her beautiful face, trying to adjust more closely she restricted him from going far.

"Jordan, you should wait till we are married",

"It doesn't really matter whether we get married first or not, I am your future husband, please let me have you I I'm loosing every bit of control I have",

"Jordan, I am a princess remember, I should be married to my husband as a virgin to honour my kingdom, I will get my brother to accept our Union, so we can make it official and stop hiding. You really should wait a little longer, everything will fall in place".

Marshal listened attentively to them, what was wrong with Jordan, sometimes ago he heard him emphasising on a girl he loved and would want to spend the rest of his life with, it's never the princess, so what's happening why making her feel loved and then dumping her in his heart and in the future, well he was going to watch and see how things go.

He shook his head worriedly and relaxed on the wooden bench..
