Eunice glared at her, "You are very stupid Magdalene".

"Huh, who da hell told you crap my name, do I look like your type of friends".

"I will deal with you, wait and see".

When the long break was over they all gathered in their various classes for the last gathering, Magdalene already payed some boys to beat Eunice up on her way home, because she has know car or what ever easy means of going back home faster.

As the period teacher dismissed the entire school, some rich girls left with their cars some boarded taxis, some horses but Eunice trekked back home..

On her way in the middle of a deep bush that always scares her everyday she walked briskly as usual to go home.

"Hohoho, guys look seems she's hurrying, oh come on girl we don't bite, come show us a little of what you've got,"

"That's Eunice, the most beautiful girl in the senior class".

"So what? do your job we need some money to party tomorrow",

"Oh that's true, but we didn't plan to rape her, the plan is just to beat her up and cut her hairs",

"Move aside ass hole, I'm gonna taste her",

The stubborn guy walked up to her and pulled her backwards, already she ignored them and fastened her steps but they caught up with her and pulled her back.

"Leave me alone, junior students, I'm really gonna report you tomorrow",

"Oh, and you think we care, you still don't have manners, right now you're the junior one",

"Let me go, I'm not here to joke with you",

"oh common, stop forming stubborn, as the most handsome guy in the school I know you like me too, take off your shirts I will give it to you for free what girls are craving for".

"Don't you dare touch me, you owl, you don't even know what you look like, oh I'm nauseous".

embarrassed they looked at each other, pulled her to the ground and started ruining her uniform, "What da hell, stop this, stop right now!".

They laughed and one of them ruined the hand of her bra, and her fresh beautiful body was revealed. "Oh my goodness this is fresh".

"Guys I'm not part of this, this wasn't the plan I'm leaving",

one among the trio left, and the other two yabbed him and called him names then touched her skin. but then a possessive wolf came out of the bush and did not bite anyone but only scared them away that's warning next time death.

Eunice faced the floor and waited for it to devour her, but know it sniffed her body and then her face, adjusting for her to get up, and she did took few steps backwards and ran home.

"This the same wolf that night, is it following me or what?"

she siloliquised, on getting home she greeted tired of explaining why her uniform was rough and dirty she walked into her room, freshened up and joined them for dinner.

"Evening classes still on?"

He older sister asked with a different look on her face. "Yes, and please don't care next time",

"Eunice, Respect your sister".

she sighed and dropped the fork and walked back into her room and opened her novel, and read till it was late at night, thunder storms s wailed and it started raining, she adjusted to sleep but then she saw a figure standing in the dark, beside her bed cabinet.

Lucian ❤️❤️