The Sacred Chain

Eunice cried bitterly although she wasn't shouting but her tears rolled down continuously, made his heart soften, he robbed together his body with her tears. "Don't cry, don't cry my wife". he muttered he had wanted to withdraw but his demon is out. his demon welcomed her and made his manly spirit boil, his body wanted her he thrusting became faster. and her hands clutched his head he howled in pleasure.

He rode on her until his satisfaction, till midmorning he breathed in relieve, she thought he would kiss her but no he only sniffed her face and wiped her tears, only sniffed her body and sucked and nipped on her nipple. she was thought in biology class about sex, and she knew she was having sex, she knew when the man cums she knew he had cummed inside her because she felt her body slippery, slowly he pulled away.