Episode 23

"Son! don't get too excited, you just tasted once, go out there and pick your wives so will enjoy this enjoy it to the fullest".

Lucian stared blankly at his mother trying to swallow his words but he can't just ignore his mother. "Don't be misguided mother, that word wives is derrogatory and it is unsuitable to every human being. I will learn from bitter experiences to keep myself".

He finally walked away. "Trouble!". she muttered. "Lucian is not immune to sudden disappointments, he will not understand what is yet to come because he was blessed by the goddess to always own what ever he desires, how about now he is about to be deprived because of tradition, how am I supposed to help as a mother".

She soliloquized as a single queen, can I say she is more of a loner, she can't interact with her fellow Queens or she turn a laughing stock and if she tries that she will ruin the prince's life forever..