Julian's declaration of War

Grace nodded and walked towards her room. "Gracia no more food items in the house, come go to the market".

she turned around and giggled. "Mum sorry it's her turn, I have taken her turns for months now, you let her know her duties".

"But gracias your sister is just recovering and secondly you're the only one who will buy these stuffs on a cheaper price".

"mother, I'm not a market woman, let her go to the supermarket".

she walked away. "Mom don't worry I will go to the market I'm strong". Eunice finally said.

"My dear, are you sure you're okay?" she placed her arm on her neck to feel her temperature.

"Yes mother".

"Okay finish your g

food, go get the bag I will give you the UBA card I hope you know the pin?"

"Yes mother".

She ate her food. "Yes ma, I remembered something".

"What that Eunice?"

"I hope you won't get mad?"

she asked pitifully and even her mother pitied her. "No Eunice speak up".